Friday, July 17, 2015

Coconut Crab Soup

8       crabs 
5.5    cups pre-cooked crab water
1       can of coconut cream
         (Goya Crema De Coco - 15oz) 
2       cups of milk

2       medium sized carrots (diced)
1       chayotes (diced)
2       medium sized camotes (diced)
1       small bunch of cilantro
         (cut into small pieces)

Wash crabs thoroughly!

Crab Preparation
1. Refrigerate crabs to put them to sleep (at least 30 minutes). 
2. Remove crabs from fridge and wash thoroughly in water with a toothbrush. Ensure to squeeze out poop from their intestines as much as possible. 
3. Set crabs aside. If they wake up, place back in the fridge until water is boiling and ready to cook.

Soup Preparation
4. In a large pot, bring water to a boil. 
5. Gently place crabs into boiling water and let cook for 15-20 minutes. 

.... 15 minutes later ....

6. Add in coconut cream and milk. Ensure liquid mixture covers the crabs entirely.
7. Cover and bring soup mixture to a boil. 
8. Add in vegetables. 
9. Cook on low heat for 1 hour or until the camote is soft and tender. 
10. Garnish with a small bunch of cilantro.
11. Serve & Enjoy. 

Servings: 4-5 medium sized servings.

*Optional Side Dish - Patacones or Fried Plantains. 

❤ ❤ Made with ingredients found in Tamarindo, Costa Rica ❤ 

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