Monday, June 6, 2016

Homemade Green Tea Ice Cream


2      tablespoons green tea powder
4      tablespoons hot milk
1      cup heavy whipping cream (chilled)
180  mL of condensed milk

Green Tea Paste

1.  Heat milk in microwave for approximately 30 seconds or until hot. 
2.  Mix green tea powder into the hot milk; it will clump into a thick paste.
3.  Mix green tea mixture to condensed milk until thoroughly mixed. 
4.  In a chilled whipping bowl, whip the cream until it forms stiff peaks. 
5.  Fold the whipped cream into the green tea mixture thoroughly. 
6.  Pour the mixture into an air-tight container and let freeze overnight. 
7.  Serve and Enjoy!

❤ ❤ Made with ingredients found in Tamarindo, Costa Rica ❤ 

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