Thursday, August 20, 2015

Chinese Mango Pancake (芒果班戟)

Asian American fusion mango pancakes (芒果班戟)


2/3    cup all purpose flour
1       tablespoon custard powder
1       tablespoon sugar
1       tablespoon vegetable oil
1       cup milk
2       large eggs

Filling Ingredients:
1       box (250mL) of dulce crema aka. heavy cream
1.5    tablespoons sugar
1       large mango

Crepe Instructions

1.  In a small bowl, beat eggs, milk and sugar until smooth. 
2.  Add in flour and custard powder, mix well until smooth. 
3.  Add in oil, mix well until smooth. 
4.  Scoop out half a ladle of the pancake/crepe mixture and pour it into a non-stick pan/crepe pan on low heat. 
5.  Cook on one side only until it is just cooked. 
6.  Remove from pan and place on a plate to cool. 
7.  Repeat cooking process until all of the mixture is used. 
8.  Let crepe/pancakes cool to just about room temperature. 

..... while crepes are being cooled, prepare the filling .....
(Whipped cream is not available for purchase in stores, so we must make our own using dulce crema in Tamarindo, Costa Rica)

Filling Instructions
9.   In a medium sized plastic bowl, mix together the dulce creama and sugar. 
10. Whip the dulce creama until it starts to form peaks. Place back in fridge until ready to prepare the crepes.
11. Cut the large mango in strips. 

Mango Pancake Assembly
12.  Once pancakes are cooled, place a dollop of whipped cream in the center of the pancake. 
13.  Add 2-3 strips of mango. 
14.  Fold two sides into the center and tuck the remaining two edges underneath forming a rectangle/square. 
15.  Chill in fridge for at least 30 minutes before serving. 
16.  Serve and Enjoy!

❤ ❤ Made with ingredients found in Tamarindo, Costa Rica ❤ 

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