Monday, March 3, 2014

Toronto: Hobo living out of a bag

Literally. Living out of this bag for 4 days.
Since my house got listed this past Friday, the appointments for private showings have been going through the roof, with notifications coming through my phone endlessly. Counting just Saturday and Sunday alone, there were almost 30 showings. Most of the families that came to view the house were mostly Asian ... well, that only means three things ... money money money!!! 

Strategically we listed the house at a very attractive price range, lured in our buyers like fish with bait and casting our fish net on the final day. It's apparently the new thing with real estate agents now, a tactic to create a bidding war. I'm no big fan of wars or anything but in this case ... Let the bidding war begin!

While we create the scene for this bidding war, I've been kicked out of the battle field for five days so that the fish, I mean, our buyers, could visit the house with their agents throughout the day. My house is to be left in an absolutely pristine showroom state for this whole time which means, I don't even know where my shit is when I get home by midnight. Everything has been tucked away in every nook and cranny around the house.

I've been a homeless hobo for 3 days now, literally living out of a bag that consisted of my Choco Krispis, laptop, phone charger, hairbrush, beach towel and my Jasmine green tea bags. It surprises me that this is all I needed in the past few days, hopping from one friends' house to another and literally living out of my car with my dogs. With the busy schedule I have had, I have skipped so many meals that I can't be more thankful and appreciative to the friends who have fed me this past weekend.

Nick/Karen who not only let me crash on their couch after work and housing my furry kids during the day, but also feeding me Indian food like I can handle spices - I just look brown cause of my tan I'm not really brown!! :) Dave for feeding me with his homemade Italian style pasta dishes knowing that I skipped many meals. Derek/Flora who kept me company and in helping me get sick of bubbletea before I leave for Costa Rica. Indira for offering me her place to crash at first thing on Sunday morning. And, of course my family and especially my mom, who literally fed me from the moment I opened my eyes for breakfast straight through to dinner. Moms always feed you like you've never eaten before. Thank you mom. 

3 more days of hobo life to go! I can do this ... 

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