Friday, January 31, 2014

Costa Rica: En Route to Tamarindo

Sitting on the 10 AM bus to Tamarindo from Liberia has only been comforting start. Plopped myself into the two seats all to myself and propped open "Catching Fire" for the long 2 hr ride.

The bus driver was playing salsa on the radio which already made it all too familiar to me with the salsa songs we dance to back at home.  I started reading a few pages of my book and couldn't help but put my book back down as the bus driver changed the radio to Prince Royce's 2013 bachata album.  Love.  I put my book down as I curl up on my seat and take in the beautiful scenery,  fresh warm tropical air with my feet up on the rail. Right now, to have all the time in the world, to simply enjoy this moment. I am in no rush to get anywhere. This is why I love this place ... Sure I want to be on the beach this very moment having been delayed by United Airlines for a whole 24 hrs,  but this is like learning the art of zen, slow down,  relax and enjoy.

Prince Royce - Te regaló del Mar 

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